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Three of The Best Free AI Tools
As generative AI or machine learning takes off there will be many people who do not know where to start. From what we have seen so far the smart computing industry has taken off very quickly so we thought it would be good to provide some free tools for beginners to play around and gain an understanding before money is involved. Some of the tools that we mention in this section may be free for a limited time and others may be free for the forseeable future due to their limited, but creative, capabilites etc. As many tools are coming out all of the time we may change the line up of free tools in this section frequently or periodically so please come back regularly so that you dont miss out on these really useful tools below.
If you are ever confused with any terminology for artificial intelligence then we have a good old fashioned scrolling page for that with lots of descriptions, and we are adding to them all of the time and you can find that page by clicking here:
ChatGPT is now recognised all over the world as the main AI software of choice especially when combined with other software systems and apps to give them a boost. You can start off by using the free version for as long as it remains free. When you become more aquainted with it, and if you have a need, you can opt for the higher performing, paid versions.
Stable Diffusion Online offers a ‘create your own art’ service with a free version apparently being free forever. How this works is simply by using text to describe your imaginary scene and then, at the press of a button, have that scene created in front of your eyes.
Eightify uses AI algorithms and the power of ChatGPT to summerise YouTube videos into bite sized important chunks so that you can use your time more efficiently. At present, you are allowed to summerise three videos a week free of charge before you are asked to pay.